

Summer Season

The Summer Recreational League is the most popular program offered by the Tumwater Soccer Club. Teams for each gender are formed for players in the U8 through U19 age groups. Games are played against other recreational teams from the Olympia and many outside Thurston County teams.

Registration: Online registration will open at this website in April of each year.

NOTE: If your child is playing in State Cup Tournament, DO NOT register until your team is eliminated.

Practices: Practices typically begin late May or early June. Each team's coach determines a team's practice schedule. Practices are held on school fields in the Tumwater School District. Pioneer Park and Capital Soccer Fields may also be used if needed. Many teams do not conduct practices once games start. Games: Games typically begin in mid-June and continue until the end of July.

A total of 8-10 games are played during this period with one or two games scheduled each week. Girl teams typically play on Monday and Wednesday and Boy teams on Tuesday and Thursday. Games start at either 6:00 pm or 7:30 pm. "Home" games are scheduled on fields in the Tumwater School District, Pioneer Park and Capital Soccer Fields. "Away" games are played against other recreational teams in Thurston County.

The Tumwater Soccer Club is a Member Club of the Thurston County Youth Soccer Association (TCYSA). TCYSA is a Member Association of Washington Youth Soccer (WYS). Other Member Associations of WYS are the Lewis County Youth Soccer Association (LCYSA), Foothills Youth Soccer Association (FYSA based in the Shelton/Elma area), and Grays Harbor Youth Soccer Association (GHYSA).